
rob lowe touched my hand (and my heart)

i know, i can hardly believe it myself, but it's true. we were both leaning over the counter (to be closer to each other, of course). i, with a sharpie in hand, writing down his drink order on that all-too-familiar starbucks cup, he, with his badly-needing-a-shave face looking at me just so. that's when he casually, and sincerely, and sweetly, and gently put his hand on mine and said, "i'm sorry (pause) i wanted that iced." then i teased him in that special way that only close friends can tease: about how he made my life so difficult, wasted a cup, and ordered a non-existent drink (don't believe me? you figure out how an iced, dry cappuccino makes sense.) and he smiled oh-so-genuinely at me, and i honestly think we connected, i know he'll be back. he didn't leave me a tip, but he didn't need to, his presence was enough, monetary gifts would cheapen what we have. those celebrities try to get away with everything, and they do, because we let them.


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